Data Visualization Using Open Source Tool

SandDance: Free Online Open Source Data Visualization Tool

Data Visualization Using Open Source Tool
Data Visualization Using Open Source Tool


In this article, we will demonstrate on data visualization using open source tool. Here, we use SandDance online tool. It is an open source and easy to use online data visualization tool.

The tool is developed by the Visualization and Interactive Data Analysis (VIDA) team, Microsoft. It has been rereleased by Microsoft as open source on Github.  

No technical knowledge is required to visualize your data. You can do it just by uploading your data in this online tool. Whether you are beginner, scholar looking to create visualization- this is the post for you!

This software has been rewritten from scratch to be modular and embeddable into custom applications. This Software is based on  VEGA, from the UW IDL and DeckGL from Uber.

Using this tool, you can explore and communicate insights about your datasets. Collaboration is one of the important features of SandDance. It is worth mentioning that many users can work with the same dataset.

Services of Open Source Online Data Visualization Tool

2D and 3D visualizations

 Bar Chart

Stacked Chart

Scatter Plot

Density Plot

Interactive Filtering

 in Various Charts Column in open Sourced SandDance Data Visualization Tool
Various Charts Column

Open Source Free Data Visualization Tool Usability

  1. Power BI

2. Java script based Apps

3. Visual Studio Code

4. Azure Data Studio

5. SandDance Explorer

6. SandDance React

Import Dataset

Step #1: Import Dataset

All you need to do is import your dataset. You can do it either from the local computer or using the URL. Once you completed the import then process it for visualization. Here, we have used titanic sample data for the sake of experiment.

You can identify, investigate, and visualize your data. You can think of it as a data visualization generator.

This tool does not collect any personal information or use cookies.

Dataset Import mode in SandDance online visualization Tool
Dataset Import Mode

The tool provides views of both aggregate and individual datasets. They have provided two sample datasets ( Demo Vote and Titanic Dataset) in the tool.

Step #2: Data Visualization

You can use those datasets to visually explore and present data online through this link.

A screenshot of the column chart for Titanic sample data is given below:

Column Chart- Titanic sample Data for Sanddance
Column Chart- Titanic Sample Data

You can also download datasets from the Google Dataset Search engine to visualize data.

In the previous article, we already mentioned elaborately about the drataset search engine.

Step #3 : Final Data Visualization Report

We prepared the following charts using titanic sample dataset. You can try it online just uploading your file from the local machine.

You don’t have to install it, just visit the site and upload your data. We uploaded the dataset and analyzed the data using it

Final Charts Gallery Generated Using SandDance
Charts Gallery

Besides, you can also use open source Python language and Candela data visualization tool to visualize your datasets.


We hope you got some detailed information about data visualization using open source tool with this article. Although, we did not discuss about dataset but this should be good starting point for a beginner.

What other tools have you used for data visualization ? We would love to hear and learn from you.

Please feel free to comment below.


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