How to Find Relevant Papers Faster and Easier

How to Find Relevant Papers Faster and Easier

Are you looking for a new way to find relevant scientific papers faster and easier for your research? Do you want to discover new connections and insights from the literature? If you answered yes, then you have come to the right place.

I will walk you through using PURE suggest, a citation-based literature search tool. The tool allows you to find the scientific papers that are related to your topic of interest.

PURE Suggest is a tool for scientific literature search that recommends scientific publications based on citations and references, beginning with a set of initial seed papers.

It uses a graph-based approach to rank the papers based on their citation relationships and relevance to your query.

You also have the option to refine the outcomes based on year, venue, and author, and access the abstracts and complete texts of the papers.

How to Find Relevant Papers Faster and Easier with PURE suggest

Here is how you can use the Pure Suggest web application to find relevant academic papers for your research:

Step #1: To access the Pure Suggest tool, visit their website. Upon reaching the site, you will encounter the interface displayed below:

Landing Page

Step #2: Enter your query in the search box. You have the option to search for keywords, names, or include DOI(s) in any format. In my case, I opted for the “Load Example” feature.

After clicking the “Load Example” option, the interface below promptly appeared:

Load Example

You have the ability to enumerate the authors of the chosen publications

Select some seed papers from the list of results. These are papers that are relevant to your query and that you want to use as a starting point for your literature search. You can select

The tool generate a list of suggested papers. These are papers that are cited by or reference the seed papers, and that are ranked by their relevance to your query and their citation impact.

You can see the citation graph of the papers from the above interface. You also have the option to refine the results based on year, venue, and author using the Pure Suggest tool.

Explore the suggested papers and find the ones that are most useful for your research. This will show you the sentences where the papers are cited by or reference the seed papers, and highlight the keywords that match your query.

Details of the Recommended Paper

You can also add the papers to your library or export them to a citation manager.


The PURE suggest is a powerful and easy-to-use tool that can help you find relevant and impactful papers for your research. It can also help you discover new perspectives and insights from the literature, and expand your knowledge on your topic of interest.

Try it out today and let us know what you think

If you wish to delve deeper into the tool’s origins or cite it, go through the following paper:

Beck, F. and Krause, C., 2022. Visually Explaining Publication Ranks in Citation-based Literature Search with PURE suggest. In EuroVis 2022 – Posters. DOI: 10.2312/evp.20221110.



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