Multidisciplinary Preprint Servers for Academic Research

Multidisciplinary Preprint SErvers for Academic research
Multidisciplinary Preprint Servers for Academic Research

In this blog post, I am going to share with you some multidisciplinary preprint servers for academic research.

I have blogged on best digital tools for academic research every researcher needs to know need to know , wherein  I wrote about preprint servers.

In this article, I have decided to write this blog post particularly for academic researchers and early career researchers.

Traditional publication process takes many months for your final version manuscript for reviewing  as well as publishing.

In order to reduce processing time you can deposit you article to the preprint server.

These multidisciplinary repositories play a pivotal role to expedite your research.

A preprint is a research related article for submission to a journal that has not yet been peer reviewed and published in a journal.

You can share your scholarly work with the academic researchers more quickly by posting the free version.

Researchers can make their discoveries public via preprint servers before they are published in a peer-reviewed journal.

In addition to that you can also receive valuable comments, reviews by the researchers from your domain.

And you can change and improve your final version of the article accordingly.

Preprint enhances the impact of your final publication in a peer-reviewed scholarly journal .

Posting a manuscript in preprint repository establishes the priority of discovery and ideas of scholarly materials.

It is worth mentioning that preprint versions in repositories are not peer-reviewed.

But, sometimes preprint servers verifies the article to ensure the posted article is legitimate research.

They do not check the reliability and accuracy of the discovery in the article.


Why Academic Researchers Use Preprint Servers:

There are many reasons why researchers use preprint server, such as:

  1. Researchers use preprint to share their research and ideas
  2. Researchers use preprint to share their knowledge
  3. Researchers use preprint to enhance  impact of research
  4. Researchers use preprint to get comment from academic fraternity from the same domain

and there are many more reasons.

Multidisciplinary Preprint Servers for Academic Research:

In this article, I will discuss only not-for-profit based multidisciplinary preprint servers.

Lets gets started.

Below are some best free multidisciplinary preprint servers for academic research:


# arXiv

arXiv is a free and open-access curated research-sharing preprint repository.

Cornel Tech maintains and operates the archive. It was founded by Paul Ginsparg  in 1991.

The repository accepts scholarly articles in the following fields:

  • Physics
  • Mathematics
  • Computer Science
  • Quantitative Biology
  • Quantitative Finance
  • Statistics
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Economics

At the time of writing this blog, it archives 1,879,552 scholarly materials in the above mention disciplines.

Keep in mind that the scholarly articles on this e-print archive are not peer-reviewed by arXiv.

If you want to access the COVID-19 SARS-CoV-2 related preprints from this repository then please go through the link.

The content indexes in Google Scholar, PrePubmed (q-bio only), Europe PMC, SciLit, SHARE, INSPIRE-HEP, The NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS) etc.

For submitting your manuscript to the arXiv archive you follow the Submission Guidelines.


# OSF Preprints

OSF Preprints is a multidisciplinary free preprint server.

Centre for Open Science (COS) is a non-profit organization technology organization maintains the repositories.

The multidisciplinary OSF Preprint server was opened in 2017.

The preprint server lets you manage and share your scholarly work more openly.

To cater the scholarly articles OSF Preprints aggregates various reputed preprint servers.

 As of May 09, 2021, it archives 2,331,064 searchable scholarly materials in the repositories.

You can browse the scholarly resources by the following subjects:

  • Architecture
  • Business
  • Life Sciences
  • Engineering
  • Physical Science and Mathematics
  • Arts and humanities
  • Education
  • Law
  • Medicine and Health Sciences
  • Social and Behavioral Sciences


In order to add a preprint you sign in with the following ID:

  • Using ORCID
  • Via Institution ID
  • Using email

It accepts various types of contents which includes research articles, posters, new generated data.

In this repository, you can submit your research article in pdf and word document format.

Additionally, you can access openly available metadata through their Application Programming Interface (API).

It indexes the Content externally in Google Scholar, SHARE, Microsoft Academic, Unpaywall.


# HAL (Open Archive)

HAL is an open archive where authors can deposit their scholarly documents from all academic fields.

Centre pour la communication scientifique directe maintains the HAL open archive.

There are various types of scholarly documents in this server including journal articles, book sections, patents, research data etc.

Using your login credentials you can submit your research paper.

For accessing COVID -19 related scholarly articles you can go through this link.

# is a multidisciplinary open access preprint repository.

The repository is a free, not-for-profit service supported by the open access publisher Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute.

In order to access the research manuscripts from all fields using the server you go through the link.

Recently, they introduce a new community feature that lets you collect preprint around a specific point of interest.

To know more details about its working procedure you visit How it Works page.

After opening an account using one-step registration process, you can submit your scholarly work into this server.

Preprints follows open access format under a Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 license.

They index in Google Scholar, Prepubmed, Europe PMC, SHARE, SciLit

You can submit your manuscripts in LaTex and word document format.

Once you submit your paper, it will take upto 24 hours to post in the repository.

# SciELO Preprints

SciELO Preprints accepts manuscripts related to all scientific disciplines and subjects.

This interdisciplinary open source preprint platform was launched in 2020.

Public Knowledge Project (PKP) develops the SciELO preprint server. It operates on the open source Open Preprint Systems (OPS) software.

Preprints accepts scholarly articles in the following fields:

  •  Agriculture sciences
  • Applied social sciences
  • Biological sciences
  • Engineering
  • Exact and earth sciences
  • Health sciences
  • Human sciences
  • Literature and arts

SCiELO receives various types of scholarly contents which includes research article, review papers, case studies etc.

In order to ensure the interoperability issue they assign Digital Object Identifier (DOI) identifier to all preprint articles in SciELO preprint repository.

Moreover, they also maintain Crossref registry. it accepts manuscripts in Spanish, English and Portuguese.

The materials index in Google Scholar, Crossref.

Only PDF format of your research article you can use for submission purpose.

It is worth mentioning that you can access openly available metadata via Application Programming Interface (API).



Zenodo is a open access multidisciplinary preprint server of scholarly articles.

This preprint repository was launched in May 2013.

Using this platform you can share your discovery and ideas as openly as possible to maximize use.

Besides, it also allows the re-use of your research finding to the researchers.

The Zenodo allocates  a Digital Object Identifier to all content to make them conveniently citeable..

The repository harvests the content through the OAI-PMH protocol.

For accessing search guide on how to perform advanced search on Zenodo you go through the link.

In this blog post, I discuss elaborately various type of multidisciplinary preprint servers for academic research.

If you like a preprint server that wasn’t mentioned above, please share it with the other researchers in a comment box below.

Sharing is caring.


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