Checking Open Access Policies of Publisher and Journal

open access policy
Checking Open Access Policies of Publisher and Journal

In this article, I am going to share with you how to check open access policies of publisher and Journal.

Sharing and uploading your research article freely with any online platform (Institutional Repository, Academia and Social Media) is a key part of your research.

And this process makes your research more visible and enhances research impact.

As we know the scientific journals have various policies regarding open access.

Some allow you to archive various versions of the article right after its acceptance.

Occasionally, after an research article has been published in a scientific publication, it is tough to know if the paper can be included in the repository or any other platforms.

To help clarify these issues, Sherpa Romeo is where you need to go. The web app lets you summarize journal open access policies.

Sherpa Romeo is a searchable database of publisher and journal open access policies.

In this blog post, I will walk you through the state-of-the-art tool Sherpa Romeo. The JISC open access team has launched its new version in 2020.

In my earlier post on how to make your academic research paper open access, for free, I already discussed and demonstrated how you can share your academic paper legally and safely for free.

Sherpa Romeo is a free web app that lets you check out different journals’ open access policies.

“Sherpa Romeo is an online resource that aggregates and analyses publisher open access policies from around the world and provides summaries of publisher copyright and open access archiving policies on a journal-by-journal basis.“

 It is a helpful tool to find and compare open access policies on a journal-by-journal basis.

Its services help authors and institutions make informed and confident decisions in open access  publication.

Here, I will show you how to get started to access the journal open access policies.

How to Check Journal and Publisher Open Access Policies

The online resource collects and presents the open access policies of publishers and journals around the world.

Each editor or journal registered with this searchable database is carefully reviewed and analyzed by a team of specialists, who provide summaries of the self-archiving permissions.

Besides, it also caters summaries of publisher copyright and open access archiving policies on a journal-by-journal basis.

Lets get started.

Here is an example of how to summarize of publisher copyright and open access archiving policies.

You can publish or self-archive your scholarly work with help from Sherpa Romeo.

All you need to do is open the Sherpa Romeo (v2) to get it working properly. Once you open the , you will be taken to the page below:

sherpa romeo
                                                                          Sherpa Romeo Homepage

In order to get the open access policies of journal, you just put the journal name or its ISSN number.

In my case, I looked up the Journal of Universal Computer Science (JUCS).

This is what the result looks like:

                                                                            Publication Information

Besides publication information, it also provides publisher policy:

Publisher Policy

As you can see, it lists various versions like published, accepted, and submitted.

A set of criteria is associated with each version, which you may see by clicking on the plus (+) symbol.

This will give you information if there is an embargo and the repository where you can post the scholarly article.

Once you click on the record information, you will get the below result against the journal:

Record Information

Record information tab gives you the above mentioned information about the journal.

You may also conduct a search by publisher to locate all of the journals that they publish.

In order to obtain stored data in Romeo, you can use Sherpa APIs. Their data is available under CC-BY-NC-ND license.

The new version of sherpa romeo is integrated with the UEL research repository, so you can see up to date open access self-archiving advice for journals when depositing your article manuscripts!

The Jisc Open Research team’s roadmap for the development and enhancement of Sherpa Romeo over the coming years.

If you want to know more about this online resource- Click Here

We hope you liked this post on checking open access policies of publisher and journal.


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